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    Elhaz's Way

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    Elhaz's Way

    #1 Сообщение Elhaz » Чт июн 11, 2020 3:42 pm

    Для тех кто не читает на английском, мы подготовили перевод поста, который вы можете прочесть по ссылкам: часть 1 , часть 2 и часть 3.
    I first emailed Philosopher several months ago. At that time I had just discovered Russian esoterics based on Toltec ideas and found it to be resonant, and fascinating. I was involved with another group and found the obsessive effect it was having on my mind to be worrying, so I moved laterally and contacted him. At the time I found myself feeling very locked up inside, confused, defensive, in response and Philosopher replying instantly to my emails and asking me questions which I did not have any immediate answers for really made me start thinking about the way I was approaching esoterics in general. I expressed many concerns about health and social manifestation but never clearly explained what I have been seeking (and to an extent, actually experiencing) for a long time, since the first time I did hard inquiry type meditation 8 years ago.

    I found that although I definitely had been seeking higher spiritual understanding and to get genuine, true, actually useful results from my healing and magic there was a bit of a disconnect. It isn't that I hadn't been trying to solve my problems myself before, but there wasn't a clear understanding of why it is important to be reasonably well socially manifested, or what exactly needs to be done, even though the stimulus is present in discomfort, this is what made the difference, got me on more of the right track. I had been in a state of one foot in the door one foot out for a long time, not looking acutely enough at my weaknesses and fears, instead letting them just dictate my actions. There was a period of wondering if I really can think like I think I can. I eventually realized I should not be quite so open to suggestion, I can be sure of things.

    Additionally, some of the things that were said and on the website simply resonated, and would not leave my mind. Certain pieces began to join together with other ones, eventually it came together kind of all at once. It was through this process that I was able to eventually come to attunement with the thought form.

    I read the first 7 or so Castaneda books, spoke with a student of his, and let it sink in for some time. I worked on stopping internal dialogue. I found that by The Fire Within it was starting to kind of blur, I was reading amazing things as if it was a fiction. I stopped reading Castaneda for a while, returning to read Journey to Ixtlan recently. I paid a lot of attention to how I feel around people, when talking to women, when talking to friends, when I act a certain way, when I think a certain way, when I eat certain things, how I feel around my parents, paying attention to different views of reality and watching how this produces literally different reality..

    I evaluated what made me feel so insulted and irritated before. I felt that I wasn't being understood, but there was only a direct reply to what I was saying. I kept evaluating what it is I really want in relationships, out of a job. Do I want, a lot of sexy women around? Well, sure, but what I really want is a spiritually productive relationship. I've known that, I just wasn't fully accepting it, and because of that animal consciousness repeatedly got the better of me. Do I want.. a ton of money, and a nice car? Well to do what I want to do, to be able to choose my environment, yes I will need money. And to do a job I feel doesn't suit my real capacities is painful. But also, not as painful as I was making it.

    I started magical practice again, working with simple rune invocations. Raidho was helpful but I wasn't able to get a full grip on using it to make a correction that lasted. Since the runes were helping me change myself and calling to me I decided to get initiations for Reiki Yggdrasil and work with that, since it is built for better social manifestation and expansion of consciousness. I found it to be good, useful tools, I was able to change myself, my personal rhythms, reactions, habits, learn things from the previous paragraph, it is good to simply think along the lines of the major aspects of life, sharpened my perception of energy quite a bit. To objectify some things exactly that have happened- I removed some kind of hook from the left side of the top of my head and began to think more clearly. I removed an ex-girlfriend from Swadisthan. I began to feel less sexual shame, began to understand people better. I began to accept myself more fully. I practiced recapitulation whenever some kind of emotional memory would come up.

    But interestingly, there was something else to this. My instructor carried a state I could easily resonate with of clarity, easy intuition, easy perception. It seemed that I had actually been learning quite a lot for a long time but was not aware of it. It is possible even that face to face with an instructor I just suddenly decided to actually know what I was talking about and be firm, and I did.

    Before, I thought my energy vision was blocked. It wasn't, I just didn't feel good enough, adequate, like I needed long hard practice to ever get there. It turned out through doing 15 or so sessions with people I was able to gain accurate perceptions and information and also direct energy in an effective way that helped them. In one case somebody canceled their neurologist appointments because they stopped having symptoms. Usually people were able to feel the energy, even if they hadn't felt energy before. Very excited about all of this, I kept doing it, and kept myself energetically as clean as possible and grounded frequently with a tree in my back yard. I was taking a lot of walks also, very long walks. For a couple weeks I took leave from work. When I was back I noticed people were reacting in a very different way to me, and me to them.

    I started being drawn to talk of operating from the heart center, Anahata, the awakening of the heart, I realized, this was this huge difference I was experiencing.

    About 3 weeks ago a bit of lethargy seemed to set in, I was finding myself waking up and thinking I was crazy for believing I was doing anything a couple times, I stopped going for walks, felt just drained. Also, that place of easy clarity, connection, sureness, was becoming less easy to access. I realized this is because I am not in active contact with people who have that resonance (position of assemblage point?) and that I may not be able to hold it myself all of the time. Not a terminal problem, just needs some solving. I noticed that being around people who don't have that as exclusive interaction brings me down from there. Earlier today, I even found myself feeling a bit depressed. I snapped out of it by finding a sense of humor, worked with my karmic patterns causing inertia using RI, then sent this email yesterday.
    “Well. It took several months to begin to adjust to the thoughtform, to understand what you had said to me and what is stated on your website. Most of what is on the front page of your website is understandable to me now.

    In that time I have engaged my own abilities for energy work and magic and the help of others to try to repair my social and health problems, read Castaneda's books, spoken to a student of Castaneda's, engaged in stopping my internal dialogue and some stalking, engaged in some healing practices, and noticed there is some kind of clear delineation of states that is possible which I assume is my assemblage point temporarily going up. 

    In this state intuition is greatly heightened, purpose in life becomes clear, significant healing with reiki has happened (actually treating physical diseases..) ,I am well able to tune into the energy of situations, people, items, the local plan, generally this is an amazing thing, where I would prefer to be, and then it drops again to its usual position. 

    Once that has happened, ideas of "becoming special"  are popping up. Clinging, longing feelings of wanting transcending, but a perverted version of this, like I am forgetting my own experience. Which is obviously problematic. Since started off in the esoteric world 8 years ago with Buddhism/practices of inquiry/non-mind my goal has been to approach truth and not live in, well basically a money-power egoic perspective. At that time, by the way, I was well saturated with money, friends, girlfriends, I've been looking for something else other than that.. at this point, I'm not far off from being able to achieve that sort of success anyway, which is good..

    I have also noticed that  animal body consciousness flares up and became more difficult to control than usual- food, sex, nothing horrific, just, less control, higher appetites than usual.

    It feels like the shift of the vehicle upward is something slippery and difficult in my current surroundings. Easier is to turn internal dialogue off. So my question is, what factors are influencing this, how could I stay at this level, what life do I need to build to do this, what practices are best? What steps would a person reasonably take at this point? In your opinion. The one main thing I feel is that I would need to move somewhere else, there is some fears/complexes associated with this, but nothing so deep I don't think I could eventually fix it myself either. In fact all of this feels to be some probably transient distress, but also maybe a key moment if I can rise and do what I need to."
    About 5 minutes after I sent this email, my left eye twitched, and seemingly even rotated a little bit and I saw an absolutely pristine, incredibly vivid and bright blue and white spark appear on the right side of my chest just below and to the left of the nipple. My first thought was this was me being looked at. I immediately left the house and took a long walk up a mountainside. For part of the time, I ran up. I stopped to answer Philosopher's reply back, and I thought jeez, have I really not come up with a good online name yet in my life, that resonates properly? Well, Elhaz is okay. It resonates enough. So no need to worry there- but then wait! Oh no, my password. Is my password good enough, symbolic enough? I thought of coming up with a new password and laughed a bit at myself and then decided it is better to just be firm. I stopped to appreciate the beauty of the sunset and of nature but felt a bit rushed. Once I got home I was asked to write this, so I did, and I think this will be good enough for now.

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    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #2 Сообщение Философ » Пт июн 12, 2020 4:08 am

    Для тех кто не читает на английском, мы подготовили перевод поста, который вы можете прочесть по: ссылке
    First of all, I want to thank Elhaz for his courage to open an English language branch in our forum.
    I hope this will add courage to our other English-speaking readers.

    I have also noticed that animal body consciousness flares up and became more difficult to control than usual- food, sex, nothing horrific, just, less control, higher appetites than usual.

    It feels like the shift of the vehicle upward is something slippery and difficult in my current surroundings. Easier is to turn internal dialogue off.So my question is, what factors are influencing this, how could I stay at this level, what life do I need to build to do this, what practices are best? What steps would a person reasonably take at this point? In your opinion.
    When the Assemblage Point loses its rigid fixation and begins to move depending on the State, from the Mood, from the Communion, from the Place, and so on, the person is constantly stays in the various States of Consciousness.

    When the Assemblage Point rises "up", the amount of energy in the cocoon (on the lower chakras - in the lower bodies) decreases, but, on the other hand, there is a little more energy in the upper bodies.

    Therefore, a person's needs of his lower bodies - sex, nutrition, social activity decrease, but the person begins to experience new states of consciousness and new possibilities - in particular, clairvoyance, intuition, etc.

    But, when, then, the Assemblage Point shifts again downwards, the energy on the lower chakras (bodies) increases greatly - and the person begins to experience stronger than he used earlier, feelings - in particular, in sex, in nutrition, in communication.

    A person begins to stay, as it were, in two different worlds - and it is very difficult, very exhausting - lowering and increasing the position of the Assemblage Point leads to the restructuring of the cocoon's energy and it exhausts.

    Therefore, it is important to fix yourself in one of the worlds -- preferably in a higher.

    In order to fix yourself in a higher world, you need to rebuild your whole life so, that it will be in a harmony with this new world.
    This, by the way, writes also K.Castaneda - Don Juan constantly demanded from him to change his life.

    It is very important to choose the appropriate food, to find the appropriate partner for life, social circle and such social activities, which will not strongly contradict your new state.

    It is also very important to continue to read the books of masters, to watch films on alternative history and archaeology and to engage in practices that develop consciousness.
    From such practices, I can advise the materials of Robert Monroe and his Monroe Institute.
    Be sure to read all three of his books and study the materials of the institute - TMI - The Monroe Institute.

    The first stage in spiritual development is to receive a new education, because the old school education describes the world exclusively in a social contract, in the social position of the Assemblage Point.

    Unfortunately, today we do not have textbooks for education for another world, with another fixing of the Assemblage Point.
    Therefore, we recommend the selected books of some authors - such as Castaneda, Monroe, and, as it may seem strange - ancient texts of the Old Testament, which we translated and interpreted in our Agreemrnt, in our position of the Assemblage Point.

    The next stage in the Spiritual Development should be direct work with the Master and preferably in a group - it will be almost impossible to move independently by yourself.

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    Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 11, 2020 7:17 am
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    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #3 Сообщение Elhaz » Пт июн 12, 2020 7:53 am

    Для тех кто не читает на английском, мы подготовили перевод поста, который вы можете прочесть по ссылкам: часть 1, часть 2
    Therefore, a person's needs of his lower bodies - sex, nutrition, social activity, but the person begins to experience new states of consciousness and new possibilities - in particular, clairvoyance, intuition, etc.

    But, when, then, the Assemblage Point shifts again downwards, the energy on the lower chakras (bodies) increases greatly - and the person begins to experience stronger than he used earlier, feelings - in particular, in sex, in nutrition, in communication .

    A person begins to stay, as it were, in two different worlds - and it is very difficult, very exhausting - lowering and increasing the position of the Assemblage Point leads to the restructuring of the cocoon's energy and it exhausts.
    Yes, communication, too, I am suddenly finding I have to be really careful about what I put out there, if I make a mistake in communicating, the irritation and frustration of having that energy returning to me is more serious than before.

    I suspect my assemblage point has not been rigidly fixed in one place for a long time in view of this. Since actually one of the problems I have had in life is that my personal qualities themselves do not seem to be fully rigidly fixed. Like that one foot in one foot out feeling I mentioned in my original post. My health mainly spoiled when I had my first spiritual awakening experience 8 years ago, following inquiry practices. At the time I was able to perceive energy perhaps stronger than I do now, but it was uncontrolled, and overall harmful. Not as bright or accurate as the perceptions I get now but much more pervasive, like walking down the beach and feeling and seeing large quantities of shimmering energy going into and out of my hands, or not really seeing visually but being quite sure there was some kind of mass of ether in the corner of my room, shimmering, twisting, undulating. Extremely strange, alien vibes too. Since then I have been a lot more tentative about how fully I apply myself to any practice. Looking back, the essence of this was questioning and disassociating from the internal dialogue until I began to identify more with the observer than with the dialogue. Too heavy for someone with no experience, and in their late teens..

    I ended up going on psychiatric medicine in the past because of a complete inability to do anything at all and extreme irritation, which lead to a having a very bad time for several years. There was a period where Don Juan could have pointed at me to show Castaneda what someone with a shot tonal looks like. If this is what happened it is extremely important I get this figured out. It would explain a lot. It would also explain why I was able to move it through my own efforts.

    I also think there is complexes and issues of personal power and acceptance that lead to unnecessary, other shifts. This is something I am already actively working on.
    To fix in a higher world, you need to build your whole life so, that it is in a harmony with this new world.
    This, by the way, writes also K. Castaneda - Don Juan constantly demanded from him to change his life.

    It is very important to choose the appropriate food, to find the appropriate partner for life, social circle and such social activities, which will not strongly contradict your new state.
    I've been working on this. I noticed there began to be stomach pain, poor digestion lately. I've started eating smaller meals and oatmeal instead of eggs and beans for breakfast, with bananas, blueberries, some cinnamon, with this I feel better. I do still eat meat and eggs sometimes. I am listening to what my body wants and its reaction to it. I have had a massive craving for kelp. I also noticed that it is importantly to energetically clear my food before I eat it- if I don't do this, my legs ache deeply after I eat. Although this has been this way for a while, I specifically experimented with this one and confirmed it recently.

    Already I was going to massage school, and choosing friends who like to go for long hikes in the state forests and talk about real, effective healing practices. Not really having many friends since it's a little bit on the rare side, or SEEMS to be to me at least, but valuing the ones like this. Last year, I decided if I was feeling so horny to go ahead and fuck some cute girls that wanted me to do that, I found it unfulfilling and actually harmful. So it's agreed on that subject. The next question is under what circumstances and personal state will I attract the correct person. According to astrology, I don't know if this is a worthwhile thing in your view, I will have Saturn in hard aspect to Venus for 5 more months, which sounds like a reasonable time frame to not expect anything in that realm.

    I have started taking walks again, feeling a bit more motivation returning, a reason for doing things, in the last couple days. It will be necessary soon for me to build my life and move out of my parents house, it isn't that I have never moved out and have always been here, but I am now. And for the time being I have to stay while I finish school and find a more robust source of income. I could maybe go north, toward Mt. Shasta. Or maybe I wouldn't have to go all that far to just run my own life. Probably that's all I really need. The main problem with that is that around here, rent is usually in the range of $2000 USD+ for even a very small apartment. Sometimes people find better rates though. I might be assailed by loneliness doing that alone.

    Well, this is just some ideas and information about what I have been doing that I am logging here.
    It is also very important to continue to read the books of masters, to watch films on alternative history and archaeology and to engage in practices that develop consciousness.
    From such practices, I can advise the materials of Robert Monroe and his Monroe Institute.
    Be sure to read all three of his books and study the materials of the institute - TMI - The Monroe Institute.

    The first stage in spiritual development is to receive a new education, because the old school education describes the world exclusively in a social contract, in the social position of the Assemblage Point.

    Unfortunately, today we do not have textbooks for education for another world, with another fixing of the Assemblage Point.
    Therefore, we recommend the selected books of some authors - such as Castaneda, Monroe, and, as it may seem strange - ancient texts of the Old Testament, which we translated and interpreted in our Agreemrnt, in our position of the Assemblage Point.
    Maybe it's lucky I never had much interest in history taught in schools. More interesting was science until I realized intuitively it all doesn't really get anywhere in the end, that it is studying the qualities of its own assemblage of reality, most importantly I've just been able to realize there is something else going on.. I have been doing a lot of reading and talking with people for the last two years on esoterics, but when I arrived at Castaneda, and some of what people who read and have followed Castaneda/Toltec ideas are able to do, I felt like I was finding something real, a path with heart. So I will check out Monroe, too. Old Testament..

    for the Lord does not see as people see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7)

    This makes sense in terms of what is said about a social assemblage of reality vs an esoteric assemblage of reality. I almost typed, an esoteric perception. So I still think somehow it's a variance in perception, not a different reality with different rules.

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5)

    This would have something to do with how Castaneda was just so very confused, and indulging in his confusion, yet even to Don Juan he looks like he should be able to see, and he can.. here I am reasoning this out.
    The next stage in the Spiritual Development should be direct work with the Master and preferably in a group - it will be almost impossible to move independently by yourself.

    I've written this post with the intention that maybe this is a workable and understandable description for Oracle, maybe I could apply to receive healing and help planning and understanding.
    Последний раз редактировалось Elhaz Пт июн 12, 2020 9:15 am, всего редактировалось 3 раза.

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    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #4 Сообщение Философ » Пт июн 12, 2020 8:17 am

    Для тех кто не читае на английском, мы подготовили перевод, который можно прочесть по сслыке
    Hello Elhaz.
    You've described your condition in great detail.

    I think you will be helped by Robert Monroe's books and materials - start reading books and read them sequentially in the order of their publication.
    Also, go to the website of the Monroe Institute, get acquainted with their Materials and, if you can and want, you can come to them for a face-to-face seminar.

    In addition to the books of Monroe, after reading them, read the books by Rosalind McNight, also, in order of their publication.

    You are really in the stage of a Sensual Perception - the Astral Body, but not Philosophy - not the Mental Body.

    So, really, it'll be helpful for you to talk to the Oracle - I'll give her Skype in the mail.

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    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #5 Сообщение Elhaz » Пт июн 12, 2020 8:47 am

    Great! Thank you for helping me understand.

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    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #6 Сообщение Elhaz » Вс июн 14, 2020 9:16 am

    Для тех кто не читает на английском перевод по ссылкам: часть 1 и часть 2
    Ah, my post was eaten by not being logged in. Once more, a bit shorter this time..

    I met with Philosopher and the Oracle today over Skype. I was a bit nervous before the meeting but immediately calmed upon seeing them, I saw that these people are not so different than me, and without the usual forward imposition of a social image that causes me to feel ill at ease around other people. We spoke on many topics. The Oracle described to me my atypical type of Monad, the Elfin monad, and how this affects life and consciousness. It immediately explained so much of my life so far, the change went deeper than reasoning, many things just snapped into their correct focus. We spoke about chakras from the view of the Project Agreement. I had to shift a little bit to understand the building of Bodies by the chakras but not by much since I know by experience that they generate events. This understanding deepens my view of how chakras work, how to heal them, and what disease of this system looks like.

    At work afterward there was a significant change in my level of confidence, centeredness, a certain removal of involvement with energies and situations that before had been causing me to have emotional reactions. I realized I should not be interacting on that level with this at all. For the first couple hours there was a small lack of energy from having the position of the assemblage point displaced upward in communication with Philosopher and the Oracle, it was difficult to speak loudly, I was a bit clumsy, a bit fumbling with words, but the qualitative deeper change remained even during this time. Later on in the night I felt better.

    I sent this email with a couple questions and was told it'll be better to post:
    Today was a good day for me.

    I feel like I was able to keep my assemblage point close to that spot all day, even working and interacting with people.
    I had an opportunity to counsel someone and make sure I was using my mind not my heart, it was helpful to do so that I didn't attune to their state. This seems to be an important way to not damage Anahata. We were able to come to the understanding that the person was creating the situation themselves, and as soon as we arrived there I asked them to change the topic.

    I have a question that is best to ask now to process, about being an Elf Monad, the rest will come after practice and study.

    What are some characteristics of a person of this nature?

    I understand that we will naturally vary from the social position of the assemblage point, and that much human information is not relevant for us.
    Also that the heart center will be more powerful in general, and development may tend to be higher. Is this variance of the assemblage point free floating or fixed in a variant position according to the personality of the monad? I am interested to know how it is possible to automatically reject social programming, and the implications of that in terms of setting a point intentionally.

    Is there anything more information to know? History, source, general purpose, prevalence, something else? This seems like a very important piece of information in terms of understanding myself- it feels like a large weight has lifted off of me, I don't think I've ever heard of something that explains so much of my life in such a simple way. I had both thought there was something wrong with me because it is so difficult to understand the motivations of people. However now it suddenly is so much more clear that it is usually essentially simple. It seems it was the application of my own standards to other's behavior that made it seem complicated.

    It seems to me like I have been in a pathological condition of the assemblage point by trying to grab onto parts of the social agreement and wield them to somehow be understood and accepted, when in reality what I need to do is completely accept myself and be firm.

    2: I have a new friend I met at work about 2 months ago. This is a person who is clearly different from other people, I was able to begin talking to him about esoteric topics quickly, we instantly resonated. He is a good looking, smart kid with some significant problems. Every night when he goes to sleep, he has sometimes dozens of hyper-realistic dreams involving entities, guides, different worlds, realistic deaths.

    He has stated he has PTSD from experiencing death hundreds of times as different personalities. He is extremely energetically sensitive, he noticed exactly the quality and type of energy I was sending to him while in a busy store, and noticed that he had received an attachment on the right side of his head which dulls his perception almost as soon as it happened.

    Something tells me I should be very careful about working on him or trying to help him, but tonight he told me he may ask for my help soon. I couldn't see anything other than a karmic reason why somebody would have such strange, obscure issues before today. It seems now he may be in a similar condition as I was. Do you have any thoughts on why exactly a person may be in such a unique state?

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    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #7 Сообщение Философ » Вс июн 14, 2020 5:13 pm

    Для тех кто не читает на английском, перевод поста по ссылке.
    As for the Elven Monad, we can only tell what we observe, i.e. the difference between the Elven Monad and the human one.

    1. Elves do not have the usual human Mind, so, they do not build the image of Themselves and do not build Intelligent Behavior based on the Image of Themselves. Elves do not live logic life, they always rely on Intuition, which they have very well developed. They can anticipate the course of events and act on the desired result that they can foresee. So, the Elves are more open and more real than the people, who invented the protective shell. From this, human and Elpha Monadas are very difficult to communicate - they build different behaviors and have fundamentally different qualities - people rely on the Lists of Memory and Logic, while the Elves rely on Intuition and Prievision, without inventing or composing anything.

    2. Elves have a higher position of The Assembly Point - usually between Manipura and Anahata, while most people have a Assembly Point between Swadhistan and Manipura. As a result, the Elves (or rather the Elven Monads, for these are not Elves, but I will call them Elves for short) are much more emotional and sexy than humans.

    3. Elves do not tolerate alcohol - it just knocks them out of the rut.

    As a result of these and perhaps a number of other differences, the Elves feel very uncomfortable in the world of people, for they are really different.
    This sometimes leads the Elves to be knowledgeable, to pride and to neglect of people, which is very sad for them.
    Therefore, the main task of the Elves is to learn to perceive and accept themselves and the people around, to learn to cooperate in a relationship.

    It is necessary to understand that the True Elves live in the mountains, or in the ocean, the Elven Monads in the world of humans are degraded Elves who need correction. Therefore, there is nothing to be proud of - you need to work on yourself and learn.

    Concerning your young friend - send us his photo and date of birth, Oracle will look.

    Having a different position of the Assemblage Point, the Elven Monads are in a different world, in a different Reality than humans, so only they themselves can explore and study their own world, their Agreement.

    Сообщения: 13
    Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 11, 2020 7:17 am
    Контактная информация:

    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #8 Сообщение Elhaz » Пн июн 15, 2020 3:00 am

    As a result of these and perhaps a number of other differences, the Elves feel very uncomfortable in the world of people, for they are really different.
    This sometimes leads the Elves to be knowledgeable, to pride and to neglect of people, which is very sad for them.
    Therefore, the main task of the Elves is to learn to perceive and accept themselves and the people around, to learn to cooperate in a relationship.

    It is necessary to understand that the True Elves live in the mountains, or in the ocean, the Elven Monads in the world of humans are degraded Elves who need correction. Therefore, there is nothing to be proud of - you need to work on yourself and learn.
    Yes, conceit has been an issue in life. It seems like knowing this has reduced that feeling a bit. There is a positive emotional reaction and hopefully real change. Since if I know why I am where I am and that I'm working toward improving it I can be more and more secure.

    This is the other reason I am searching. I have a deep sense there is some kind of profound damage to my being. When I received a diagnosis of karmic complexes, I looked at one category in particular- complexes which cause collision with extraterrestrial/galactic laws, considered by them to be among the most dangerous injuries, and I thought- I wonder if that's why I am even here right now. Not to say it is that, but I've thought along these lines.

    The first step will be solving some problems of personal/social life, so I can do healing without picking up problems. Today I have been in a lot of physical pain and haven't even considered doing any kind of meditation or practice because of that, but I'm reading and thinking.

    Edit, a bit later in the day, after sending a message to Philosopher, receiving in return only, You Are Stuck!! You must update your entire being.

    Yes indeed. I am feeling the pain of my condition pretty acutely right now, both physically and mentally. I just tried to do the Osho Chakra breathing meditation and didn't feel like I could even remain standing while breathing like that. I couldn't even do it for 3 minutes with a doubled down effort. I have been having lung problems this year but it must be more than that. It isn't like I don't try to keep in shape, either.

    So, I moved on to the Osho Chakra sound meditation and did that instead just now. It was easier to tune into the upper chakras than the lower ones. This seems to be a continuous issue, an ongoing lack of energy in the lower chakras. I feel like that at work, too, like it is simply difficult to keep standing and my upper back hurts. So it probably would have been more accurate to say that the most immediate problem is with the Body of Muladhara in our meeting.

    Within the last couple months I was able to sustain about 30 days of continuous spiritual and physical activity, genuine motion in life even- new ventures, creating website, printing business cards, this was when I was working with runes that I had mentioned, and I have been pretty much de-energized since, this pattern makes it difficult to sustain any kind of new habits or change. This is even continually trying to clean up cords, attachments, keeping my aura clean, it supports my mood to do that, but, especially currently, there has been a powerful lack of energy and pervasive physical pain, difficulty breathing, shoulder pain, wrist pain, difficult standing for long, for the last 2 years every time I begin doing something important, I would catch a long lasting, wet cold.

    I like the activity level of that Osho breathing meditation. I think it would be good for me. But I'm not physically capable right now, and I don't know how to become capable on a consistent basis of such an effort. It seems to be less simple than it is for other people for me.

    I think it is this pattern, too, that is leading to a feeling of demotivation. I've made efforts to clean the chakras daily in the past, really tried to sustain efforts in this direction pretty much for the last two years, so failing over and over again eventually lead to a certain loss of hope and loss of trust in my capabilities. It is only in this aspect that I continuously fail, but other aspects improve. In this case maybe the issue is karmic.

    So I will work on it from that direction
    Последний раз редактировалось Elhaz Пн июн 15, 2020 7:45 pm, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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    Контактная информация:

    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #9 Сообщение Философ » Пн июн 15, 2020 6:10 am

    Elkhaz, you have to understand that every esoteric practice, whether it's Runes, or our Philosophy, or the Reiki Healing, are different Positions of the Assembage Point and Different Agreements - different Worlds.

    People who are not capable of shifting their Assemblage Point - may think that they are doing either yoga, or even Runes, or Reiki - but, in fact, they are engaged in gymnastics for the tail - and nothing more.
    In the case of a person who is able to shift his Assemblage Point - each practice shifts it into another Agreement, wastes his energy and the question is - what it gives him and why he does it.
    It is necessary to choose the Agreement very carefully and fix in it, and not to jump like a rabbit over the Agreements...

    We have given you enough explanations and materials to work on - work hard and achieve results.
    Less words, more deeds!

    Сообщения: 13
    Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 11, 2020 7:17 am
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    Re: Elhaz's Way

    #10 Сообщение Elhaz » Вт июн 16, 2020 12:41 am

    Edited out to consider on my own for a while.

    I Ching of this day:

    Hexagram Thirty-Six/Line One:

    The pheasant's wings falter and droop from exhaustion.
    The man wanders three days without eating.
    He goes where he must, though scorn awaits him.


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